1 year agoAnswer:
The five major challenges faced by teenage mothers are:
1. Financial problems- Teenage mothers are mostly jobless and often do not find suitable financial support.
2. Early marriages- Teenagers becoming pregnant before marriage are often forced into social marriages to avoid being blamed by society.
3. Education issues- Teenagers are often forced to leave studies midway due to unaccounted pregnancy.
4. Physical problems- Teenage mothers often are not aware of issues that arise post-pregnancy and hence do not take proper care. This leads to many unprecedented physical abnormalities.
5. Avoided by society and peers- Teenagers are unable to focus and end up being victims of social evils. It's said to be against our culture and hence face a lot of abuses.
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8According to the results of studies, Teen mothers face many physical, psychological, social and spiritual challenges:
1. A constant need for support and training.
2. Inability to planning and decision making.
3. Lack of maternal skills.
4. Encountering unknown situations and major changes.
5. Mental health problems(depression, anxiety, shock, low self-efficacy, isolation).
6. Multiple responsibilities, role conflict and identity confusion.
7. Inadequate social and spiritual support.
8. Disruption of education and employment.
9. Financial problems, social stigma and religious or cultural negative reaction.
10. Inappropriate behavior of health care providers and family conflicts.
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