India is a developing country, No doubt India has developed a lot in past years as compare to the time of independence. India is going to complete its 100 years of Independence from the colonial rule. India got independence in 1947,from that time till today we have grown a lot but its not enough i want India to be the number one in all spheres from economy to education, health, eradication of poverty, safety, equality, sovereignty i want our country to be the best.
India is very rich in culture and traditions. India is the largest democracy in world and it have the largest and longest written constitution. My vision for India in 2047 is to see India Attaining the new heights of prosperity and development with taking all the people together without any kind of discrimination. As the “Unity in Diversity” is the main essence and strength of our country. I want our country to open up for gender equality we have developed but i think here we lack a little in our country there is not that much gender equality males are treated superior then females.
I want equality for women in all sphere of life from education to job as compared to men. Like today also we can see inequality between men and women I hope till 2047 our country will achieve this. In 2047 i want our country India to be free of corruption ,rapes, crimes ,poverty ,unemployment ,illiteracy ,child labor ,rich poor gap etc. The women should be safe that they can walk freely without any kind of fear.
There should be no poor in India till 2047 every person should be out poverty and should be able to fulfill the basic necessities of life and should not sleep hungry. Poverty can be eliminated by providing education to all as when all will be educated then they will be able to get jobs and grow all this will help people to came out of poverty and become employed. so everyone till 2047, should be educated ,employed ,out of poverty and healthy. When all this will happen only then our economy and our country can develop.
India is changing, let us all come together and help in the development of our country by taking all people together without any kind of discrimination on basis of Caste ,Economic background ,creed ,religion social status ,color etc. Lets all come together and contribute a little in the development of our nation.
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