Indian English poets, bestowed with the honour of the Glastein Prize. Most of his poems spring from his personal experiences, using a number of symbols from local history, mythology and Orissian landscape; and our present poem "Dawn at Puri" is no exception to it. Mahapatra's poetic genius is evident in every aspect of the poem. When studied with regard to its portrayal of the theme, it is an excellent composition. the field of Indian English literature the name of Jayanta Mahapatra is worth mentioning. Today we will analyze his poem "Dawn at Puri"- summary and
The speaker in Coventry Patmore's "The Toys" discovers the "thoughtful" young boy has sought to "ease his sorrowful heart" with his collection of little trinkets and sobbed himself to sleep after quarrelling with his rebellious kid and putting him to bed "with hard words and unkiss'd." The father, regretting the severity of the punishment, sheds tears of his own as he realises that he did not demonstrate the same mercy and forgiveness that the Bible teaches.
बसंतीकरण- अनेक पौधों में पुष्पन की क्रिया पर उचित दीप्तिकालों के अतिरिक्त तापक्रम का भी गहन प्रभाव पड़ता है। कम ताप पर पौधों में पुष्पन की क्रिया आरम्भ करवाने को बसंतीकरण कहते हैं।
वसंत की शुरुआत हमेशा निश्चित कैलेंडर तिथियों से निर्धारित नहीं होती है। वसंत की फीनोलॉजिकल या पारिस्थितिक परिभाषा जैविक संकेतकों से संबंधित है, जैसे कि पौधों की प्रजातियों की एक श्रेणी का खिलना, जानवरों की गतिविधियां, और मिट्टी की विशेष गंध जो पनपने के लिए सूक्ष्म वनस्पतियों तक पहुंच गई है।