Definition means a statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol.
1. staff employed-
staff employee or "staff member" means executive, administrative, or professional worker.
2. individual- An individual is that which exists as a distinct entity. Individuality (or self-hood) is the state or quality of being an individual; particularly (in the case of humans) of being a person unique from other people and possessing one's own needs or goals, rights and responsibilities.
3. private- intended for or restricted to the use of a particular person, group, or class
4. faulty, incomplete - characterized by errors; not agreeing with a model or not following established rules
5. falling short - to fail to reach an amount or standard that was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment.
6.personal- of, relating to, or affecting a particular person : PRIVATE, INDIVIDUAL
7.personnel- Personnel is a noun describing a group of people who follow orders, usually at a company. If you have a job, you’re probably considered personnel to be managed.
8. defective- having a defect or flaw : imperfect in form, structure, or function
9.deficient - lacking in some necessary quality or element