Want is the ever ending desire of an individual in economy.
The features of want are as follows:
1. Wants are unlimited: In an economy, every individual several wants .For example a individual has a want of car for travelling which brings in the want of petrol in in car and the want of its maintaince costs.
2.Wants differ in Intensity: A want differs in terms of degree of requirement. The want of air is much important than water, like wise the want of water is more important than food.
3.Wants are continuous: Some wants are continuous in nature.
For example: Want for food is repetitive as everyday we get hungry and everyday we want food.
4.Wants are progressive: Want progress at a very fast pace. Satisfaction one of our one want leads to emergence of other wants both greater in intensity and number.
5.Wants are satiable: If we reach the top most level of our satisfaction in fulfilment of our particular want, then we reach reach the saturation point of that want and we don't do anything for fulfilment of that want. For example the hunger level an of individual gets satisfied by consumption of 3 chocolates beyond which he may not consume anymore chocolate.