The joint family system not only lessens the burden of housework, it is also a safety net when financial difficulties, accidents or calamities arise. The family, as a single unit shares the load together till the storm of difficulties gets over. During times of difficulties, the family provides strong emotional support as it is always there to give patient hearing to the problems of all members. It does not matter whether these problems are significant or not the important part is that all problems are heard out and advice, whenever necessary, is dispensed with a warm heart.
“A happy family is, but an earlier heaven” quoted George Bernard Shaw. But it seems, it is loosing its base in today’s time. People today no longer prefer to live in the joint family system. Smaller family units provide the freedom to live life as one pleases and the privacy is achieved-both of which cannot be possible under the joint family system. In today’s world, people want to live life on their own terms. Women, especially, have realised that life is not all about keeping everyone happy. They have started caring about their own comfort too.