Two festivals popularised during the Swadeshi Movement.​

Answers 2


The Ganpati and Shivaji festivals were first used by Maratha ruler to encourage National sentiment and later when British banned political assemblies the same festivals were used by Bal Gangadhar Tilak to build National spirit among common people and make them aware about their freedom and the oppression of colonials. Thus

The two festivals which were popularized during the Swadeshi movement were 'Ganapati' and 'Shivaji' festivals.

  • The Swadeshi Movement was launched back in 1905, in order to, protest against the Bengal partition, which had spread across the country.
  • It was initiated by the Indian National Congress in Bengal, after Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy Of India, announced the partition.
  • During this movement, the traditional festivals like Ganapati and Shivaji festivals were popularized.
  • Also, the traditional forms of folks such as Jatras were also initiated.
  • Thus, the two festivals celebrated were 'Ganapati' and 'Shivaji' festivals.

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