Th e system later came to be known as Panchayati Raj, which was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on 2 October 1959 at Nagour in Rajasthan. The first elections under the Rajasthan Panchayat Samitis and Zilla Parishads Act, 1959 were held in September-October 1959.
B. Identify the adjectives and their kind. 1. Today is a beautiful day.2. The weather is cool and pleasant. 3. She did not clear the final test. 4. Earlier films used to be silent. 5. Rahim slept all day long. 6. I go through every piece of news seriously. 7. There is still some milk in the jug. 8. Either boy can go at a time, but not both. 9. Those flowers have withered. 10. A few members attended the meeting 11. The excitement of meeting with each other was breathless. 12. Stand aside. Let these people pass. 13. They are too poor to afford enough food to eat. 14. He is deeply ashamed of his rude behaviour. 15. He should be given a second chance to qualify the test. 16. That train is bound for Chennai.
Iron being a metal will react with sulphuric acid to form iron sulphate and hydrogen gas. The reaction involved is: Fe (s)+H2SO4(aq)→ FeSO4(aq)+H2(g) Q.