1 year agoAnswer:
dilemma is a conflict, problem, or situation with two possible solutions. When a dilemma occurs, a person has to make the difficult choice between two desirable options, or, contrastingly, two undesirable options. The word comes from the Greek dilēmma (di “twice” + lēmma “premise”); it is a term used in logic and rhetoric when causing an opponent to choose between two unfavorable options.
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A dilemma story (also dilemma tale) is an African story-form intended to provoke discussion. They are used as a form of both entertainment and instruction. Unlike many other story forms, which culminate in a firm conclusion, dilemma stories are open ended, and meant to spark conversation and debate.or in short ,A dilemma is a conflict, problem, or situation with two possible solutions. When a dilemma occurs, a person has to make the difficult choice between two desirable options, or, contrastingly, two undesirable options.hope it helps you please mark me as BRAINLIEST... I will follow you for sureAuthor:
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