How An Ordinary Person Can Make A Difference In The World.
You might think the difference you can make is insignificant. I too had that belief five years ago. I thought to myself “What can someone like me living in Australia, with average financial means, do to make a difference in the world?”
When we think about making a difference we fall for the myth that what we start out doing has to be enormous to have any effect. I’ve learned it doesn’t.
We’ve all had that spark of inspiration where we’ve wanted to do something that will outlast our physical form. Then we share the idea with friends, family and work colleagues and get told to quit while we’re ahead.
I’m telling you not to quit. I’m telling you that any ordinary person can make a difference in the world.
I began blogging in 2014 and thought it was only ever going to be a side hobby that was a bit of fun. Fast forward to now and I’m reaching millions of people a month and inspiring people to live a better life and help others along the way. If I can do it, you can too.
Here’s how an ordinary person can make a difference in the world:
Start by believing in something bigger than yourself.
Making a difference in the world begins with the belief that you can do something that doesn’t just benefit yourself.
When your only goal is to serve yourself, the meaning you get from that goal won’t fuel the actions you need to execute on it and make a real impact.
When your sole purpose is to believe in something bigger than yourself, you act differently.
You take into account what the problems are in this world and then hopefully choose one to solve. Making a difference won’t happen unless you remove your ego, remove self-interest and shoot for the stars.
Image Credit: Nike Greatness Campaign
One action leads to another. You’ll never predict the outcome.
Writing a blog article about a company that had five employees back in 2014 seemed insignificant. That article led me to write about my own story which went viral all over the Internet.
If I never chose to start writing in the first place, then I would never have stumbled across that one idea that fuelled everything else I did.
Taking small actions will feel insignificant at the time. Most of us ordinary folk don’t set out to launch rocket ships into space. We start out doing one thing we love and go from there.
The step that everyone misses when trying to make a difference in this world is the action part. We get stuck in overthinking, opinions from our network and dreaming about a perfect idea.
“Disconnect from the outcome and aim your energy into achieving something small first”
The results will come as you hone your craft and find your audience.
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