Staying happy and positive is a state that makes each cell of the body feel charged up. It gives us hope, assurance and a motive to believe in ourselves. When situations in life make us feel depressed or negative, the real test of staying positive begins. Our mind knows how to manipulate our-self according to our feelings. We just have to train our mind to be positive and stay away from any negative thoughts or words. Negative energies can wreak havoc in our state of mind. All we have to do is believe and keep calm. Trust me, staying positive needs continued effort.
Similar to patience, kindness and innocence, being positive is a virtue. When one is positive, one can overcome the saddest phases in life with the biggest smile. Also, positivity is the greatest gratuity that people can gift to themselves and their surroundings. It is important to stay positive in order to attract positive energies and also give others a positive environment. To maintain a healthy morale and therefore a healthy mind, it is necessary that we remain positive. Our life is governed by the exchange of positive and negative thoughts and energies. When we are full of positivity and goodness, it is reflected in the form of our wellness and the glow on our faces.
Even if the problem at hand is not solved by being positive, you are still hopeful that it too shall pass; being negative just worsens the case and problems seem bigger than they are.
For instance, in relationships, positivity does not help us ignore the shortcomings of our partner but it helps us accept those issues and still be happy to maintain a beautiful bond.
Even baby steps taken towards being positive in everyday situations works miracles. When you stay positive, people look up to you and want to hang around you. Even on flights, random people want to strike a conversation with you because you exude so much positivity in your body language.
Most of the time, you get easily disturbed by small differences between your partner and yourself, or with other people; ultimately you end up in an argument or a conflict that hurts you and others. Most often and unintentionally, since you lack positivity, you end up pushing people away from you too. In case the other person re-aligns his/her behaviour, you argue more. Such behaviour patterns ultimately destroy a relationship. This is one of the reasons why good people drift away without any visible reason —because they can’t see where they are going wrong and start blaming their partners and other people for the pain. Such situations are primarily attributed to lack of peace and patience within. This can be improved by practicing the gift of patience and positivity.
Being positive and being optimistic in life really makes a big difference, something perfectly encapsulated by Wade Boggs, when he states, “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks positive results.”
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