There are four main types of clay to consider for your project and each has its pros and cons. It is important to understand the properties and general use of the material for the best results. Those clays are Earthenware, Porcelain, Stoneware, and Ball Clay.The atomic structure of the clay minerals consists of two basic units, an octahedral sheet and a tetrahedral sheet. The octahedral sheet is comprised of closely packed oxygen's and hydroxyls in which aluminum, iron, and magnesium atoms are arranged in octahedral coordination.Most clay minerals form where rocks are in contact with water, air, or steam. Examples of these situations include weathering boulders on a hillside, sediments on sea or lake bottoms, deeply buried sediments containing pore water, and rocks in contact with water heated by magma (molten rock).Texture refers to the 'feel' of the soil. ... This is affected by the constituent materials found within it, specifically sand, silt and clay particles. A coarse sand will feel gritty but a wet clay will feel heavy and sticky..The small size of the particles and their unique crystal structures give clay materials special properties. These properties include: cation exchange capabilities, plastic behaviour when wet, catalytic abilities, swelling behaviour, and low permeability.
hope it helps you