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Our forefathers were more happier than us They were more happier than us because they used to work hard and take rest peacefully and in the evening times they would gather near a tree or in an open ground and would sing songs, Would talk to each other and they respect their family members.Today we have everything that life can offer, but neither do we have joy, love, certitude, peace nor help from pain. Our ancestors had nothing in comparison, but strength derived from faith in God. Thus, they were happier than we are in the present dayFor me YES, we are happier than our previous generation. Not because of all the facilities that we can enjoy today and was not available to our previous generation but because of SOCIAL EVILS within which they grew up.If luxuries, wealth and possessions are to be considered the objects and means of happiness, then, of course, we are far happier than our forefathers. But if peace of mind, contentment, simplicity and such things are to be deemed as objects of happiness, our forefathers must have been happier than us.
There is no doubt that with the passage of time, human being become more advance and develops more than the former one. But the most important thing is : Do today's youth are as wise and matured than their forefathers. Our parents respect elders, take responsibility of families too.