potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors.
Consuming certain types of food may help keep the skin clear. Some foods have properties that reduce inflammation and may help lessen the appearance of acne.
B. Which View am I? 1. I am the main editing view to write and design the slides. I can show you the notes that you can include in a slide. I display all the text of your slide but not objects. 4. I display a miniature view of the slides of a presentation. 5. I am used when the presentation is delivered to the audience. 2. 3. 60 Tools 16| Kips Ai
There are 6 different types of views that can be used for our powerpoint presentation.
I am the main editing view to write and design the slides - PowerPoint Normal View In this view we can edit, format, add, delete data or graphs or tables or pictures from our presentation. In other words all the operations on our slides are performed in this view.
I can show you the notes that you can include in a slide -PowerPoint Notes Page View In this view each slide contains an area at the bottom of the slide where we can enter the notes and are visible along with the content of the slide.
I display all the text of your slide but not objects -PowerPoint Outline View In this view outline of each slide is shown of the left pane. Contains the title and content in each slide and we can see the overview in every slide.
I display a miniature view of the slides of a presentation -PowerPoint Slide Sorter View This view helps in viewing all the slides in one window. The thumbnails of all the slides will be shown in one place and we can arrange rearrange delete or add slides according to our need.
I am used when the presentation is delivered to the audience -PowerPoint Reader View or PowerPoint Slide Show VIewIn this view user can see each slide as it will be shown to the audience. It works as a preview slideshow. In slideshow view the slides are shown in full screen to the audience.