What is your CF score if none of the answer

Answers 2


The CF score rate in 100 %.


The CF score (or Content Feedback Score) is a metric for evaluating the quality of your solutions. It's usually the percentage of good ratings your solutions earn, and it's based on student and in-house Quality team ratings.

Maintaining a CF score of 80 percent or higher is recommended to continue contributing to the Chegg Q&A board. You may monitor performance using the information in your Q&A dashboard, but COMIS feedbacks are also available, in which our in-house staff assesses the solutions for quality and, if necessary, suggests areas for improvement.



CF score

It's usually the percentage of good ratings  our solutions earn, and it's based on student and in-house Quality team ratings.

Maintaining a CF score of 80 percent or higher is recommended to continue contributing to the Chegg Q&A board.


if THE CF score is 0

A CF Score is a score which calculates the like vs. dislike %. The score goes from 0% to 100% where 0% relates total dislikes, vs. 100% which relates totally liked answer.

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