Process Adopted • This mailer contains the following details : Name of the Asset Author name, EMP id, email id, team name Link to the Asset in Knowmax • All the leads are asked to ensure, that all their team members download the asset, go through it and provide the feedback on the same in the system by EOD, same day. • A meeting with the Leads was already done before launching the program, letting them know that the responsibility of getting the asset downloaded and rated by their team members lies with them. Highlights • This program helps the associates to understand the asset and then give the feedback for the same. • Direct interaction with the author. • On the spot query resolution and implementation discussion. • This program is organized, biweekly or as suitable.
13. How this may be adapted elsewhere Due to the generic nature of the problem, this solution can be easily replicated to other units also.
14. Thank You
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The Reuse Platform is the one-stop shop for code samples, reusable components, tools & solutions, and reuse documentation. You may look for assets, contribute new ones you've created, or request new ones that will help you and other TCS employees become more productive. A social testing system within TCS.
Using reusable software platforms, TCS aims to concentrate on telecom, financial services, and data analytics.
Tata Consultancy Services CEO and managing director Natarajan Chandrasekaran announced that the company plans to introduce several reusable software packages to adapt to the evolving business and technological landscape.
According to Chandrasekaran, CEO of India's largest software business, reusable, bespoke software platforms are now being developed for industries including data analytics, financial services, and telephony.
"We are testing several things, all of which we keep quiet about until we have tested them. Establishing a platform requires more than just intellectual capacity; it also requires market preparedness. "He made the statement on Friday, the day after the business revealed that its third-quarter sales increased by 3%, slightly under analysts' forecasts. TCS already offers procurement, analytics, finance, and human resources software platforms.
The organisation, which has been setting the standard for India's software industry, has said it will expand more quickly than the sector's 12–14% forecast. TCS is around one-third larger than its closest Indian rival Infosys, with estimated fiscal 2014 revenue of approximately $12 billion (75,000 crores).
To increase revenue productivity, information technology businesses are turning to software platforms that can be customised to meet client demands. However, creating these platforms takes a large upfront investment, and success is not certain.
The 50-year-old Chandrasekaran believed that although non-essential operations would be moved to platforms, fundamental processes would not. "Core processes may eventually find an alternative paradigm, but that time is in the future."
Reuse platform
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