Mobile phones have become a necessity for life, and without this thin gadget, many people would feel incomplete. We now use mobile phones in our everyday life as a phone, voice recorder, diary, alarm clock, watch and for making and confirming appointments, dealing with clients etc. Mobile phones are for many, fundamental when organising their lives. Mobile phones are not simply an electronic gadget, and it is difficult to define in one way about the usage of mobile phones. With the advances of technology, mobile phones are becoming a way of life. Mobile phones are not used as just communication tools but are also considered as devices which have strong communication networks along with the other functionalities such as audio FM etc..
Blacker (2006) discusses how researchers from the Henley Management College interviewed people about their mobile phone usage and almost half of a study group of men and women in their twenties and thirties revealed that they "could not live without" their mobile phone. Mobile phones are an entertainment source for many. As well as holding music files, as some phones today are able to do, it will work with a home entertainment system to find programmes of similar interest to files already on the phone and download them as a podcast. The Mobile Life Youth Report, one of the biggest ever social studies to examine how mobile phones have changed the way young people live, was published on 19 September 2008 by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The report discusses how the intimate relationship between user and phone is most pronounced among teenagers, who regard their mobiles as an expression of their identity. "Texting is often used for apologies, to excuse lateness or to communicate other things that make us uncomfortable," the report says. "It offers intimacy of a particularly controlled form, useful for its discretion ... but valued by those who find it difficult to express their emotions more discursively." (19 September, 2008). This is partly because mobiles, unlike landlines, are seen as being beyond the control of parents. But the researchers suggest that another reason may be that mobiles, especially text messaging.
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