14. Artists and their art A. A sculpture is a three-dimensional piece of art made from carving stone, wood, or metal. Identify the countries where these famous modern sculptures are located. O Mustangs People of The River 3. Les Voyageurs Country: Country: Country: 4 Nelson Mandela 5. Hippo Sculptures 6. Man At Work Country: Country: Country: HELP BOX France South Africa USA Taiwan Slovakia Singapore nin​

Answers 1

[tex] \color{gold}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\sf\green{ Trigonometry\: Table} \\ \begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\boxed{\boxed{\begin{array}{ |c |c|c|c|c|c|} \bf\angle A & \bf{0}^{ \circ} & \bf{30}^{ \circ} & \bf{45}^{ \circ} & \bf{60}^{ \circ} & \bf{90}^{ \circ} \\ \\ \rm sin A & 0 & \dfrac{1}{2}& \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{2} } & \dfrac{ \sqrt{3}}{2} &1 \\ \\ \rm cos \: A & 1 & \dfrac{ \sqrt{3} }{2}& \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{2} } & \dfrac{1}{2} &0 \\ \\ \rm tan A & 0 & \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{3} }&1 & \sqrt{3} & \rm \infty \\ \\ \rm cosec A & \rm \infty & 2& \sqrt{2} & \dfrac{2}{ \sqrt{3} } &1 \\ \\ \rm sec A & 1 & \dfrac{2}{ \sqrt{3} }& \sqrt{2} & 2 & \rm \infty \\ \\ \rm cot A & \rm \infty & \sqrt{3} & 1 & \dfrac{1}{ \sqrt{3} } & 0 \end{array}}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} \end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} \end{gathered}\end{gathered}[/tex]

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