The in-text questions can be used as oral quizzes to check the child's grasp of the concept.
Multiple-choice questions and other selection-type questions have been included in each chapter.
The tasks at the end of each chapter include activities, research projects, field tours, internet-linked research/activities and experiments. These tasks can be used for formative assessment.
The HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions will develop the child's logical and analytical thinking.
The LIFE SKILLS section will help to develop the child's capacity for critical thinking and his/her social adeptness with peers and in groups.
TEACHER'S NOTES talk about the activities or suggestions that would assist teachers in making strategies on the teaching-learning process.
Two model test papers have been given for summative assessment.
KEY FEATURES of Living Science Primer, 1–5
In the Primer, big and colourful illustrations and photographs will capture the children's imagination and help them know the 'wonderful' world of science. The CHECKLIST on the inside back cover of the book will help the teacher assess the level of learning of the child.
The lead-in activities in Books 1,2 and 3 in the TAKE OFF section will help the teacher to focus the child's attention on the concept to follow.
The GREEN PAGES include activities to sensitize the children towards the environment and help them imbibe a love for it.
The LET US DO section has activities for FA like research projects, field tours, group work, and peer work to help children apply the concepts of science.
The section on LIFE SKILLS has checklists, points for discussion, and issues that need critical thinking and decision making.
KEY FEATURES of Living Science 6–8
Activities have been included in the chapters to explain and reinforce scientific concepts. These activities can be used for FA.
Oral questions have been included to enable the teacher to check the child's progress. These activities can be used for FA.
Exhaustive and varied exercises, including multiple-choice questions, very short-answer questions, short-answer questions and long-answer questions can be used for both FA and SA.
The HOTS questions will greatly enhance the development of independent thinking skills.
A section called FOR FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT consists of research projects, internet-linked research/activities, presentations, experimental projects, models and field tours.
The section on LIFE SKILLS will further link science with the day-to-day life of a child and his/her surroundings.
Also available websupport at Science Virtual Resource Centre
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Agriculture can be defined as the science of rearing animals and growing crops to meet the demands of humans. The concept of agriculture utilises different methods to improve the overall yield of the crops. Moreover, agriculture also focuses on improving the quality as well as quantity of animal products by following scientific procedures. Thus, the given statement is incorrect.
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