Regret means to feel sad or disappointed over something that has happened or has been done. The meaning of regret has a different meaning for everyone. Some people only have had it for a short period and others will have it for the rest of their life. Regret is something people live with at all ages. Some people might say that young people don’t know what it is. But that to me isn’t true because people of all different ages have it. It doesn’t have to be something big to count as truly having regret. As you get older you will have more things that you wish you could take back. There are little things that I have regretted doing throughout my years of growing up.
Ignoring a phone call was and still is the thing I wish more than anything I could take back. Now when I say that it might seem like something little but when I explain it the reason will become clearer.
When I got the call, it was about ten thirty at night and I was laying in my bed about to fall asleep because I had to work in the morning. The call was from an old friend that I wasn’t friends with anymore so when I got the call I just ignored it. I thought when I got the call that she either just called me on accident or just wanted something. I didn’t think much of it at that moment or think much of it at all. So, I just let my phone ring but then she kept calling and I couldn’t figure out why she kept calling me. After a few minutes go by I heard another phone ring. I wasn’t for sure who’s phone it was so I hurried up and got out of …show more content…
When I ignored the call I mainly ignored it because I still had a grudge over something that happened a long time ago. A grudge that shouldn’t even be relevant anymore because of how long ago it was. Yes, I understand people do things that you could never be able to talk to them again but holding that grudge could hurt you even more. For example, with what happened in my situation and how much I as well as everyone around me. I am sure other people in the world have somewhat of regret about something. Maybe it’s smaller things like regretting not doing their homework or maybe it’s something bigger. The only thing people can do is learn and grow from it.
Although I look at this situation with regret I also learn from it. I think that is one of the most important about making mistakes. Being able to learn from them is one of the best things you could do. What I learned from my situation with regret is to never take things for granted because one day you might regret them.