Shared ideas of the three Philosophers in Intersubjectivity: ​

Answers 2


The shared ideas of the three Philosophers is that they both think that intersubjectivity is about showing kindness towards each other not by words but through action, and that intersubjectivity is about showing love and respect to one another cause that's how relationships should work.


ideas of the three Philosophers in Intersubjectivity: ​are:_


Intersubjectivity, a term firstly chased by the champion Edmund Husserl( 1859 – 1938), is most simply stated as the cloverleaf of studies and passions, both conscious and unconscious, between two persons or “ subjects, ” as eased by empathy.

A introductory mortal illustration of intersubjectivity is having a participated, common agreement in the description of an object. So utmost people would witness intersubjectivity when asked to picture an apple- the description of an apple would be the same.


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