5 points why fact checking is important?

Answers 2


Research suggests that fact-checking does indeed correct perceptions among citizens, as well as discourage politicians from spreading false or misleading claims


Fact checking= It is a modern, identifiable category of journalism. Its goal is to provide accurate, unbiased analysis of statements made in public in order to correct public misperceptions and increase knowledge of important issues.


Fact check is important because

  • Modern fact-checking analyzes claims and rates them as true or false
  • Research suggests that fact-checking does indeed correct perceptions among citizens, as well as discourage politicians from spreading false or misleading claims
  • Fact checkers may clarify their assessment of a claim by providing context and background information.
  • Fact-checking can also influence politicians’ behavior. Politicians’ reactions to having one of their claims rated as false can range from ignoring the fact check to attacking the fact checker.
  • Some use fact checks to attack their opponents or adjust their public statements so as not to become the subject of a fact check.[12]

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