Locating Polaris is easy on any clear night. Just find the Big Dipper. The two stars on the end of the Dipper's "cup" point the way to Polaris, which is the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper, or the tail of the little bear in the constellation Ursa Minor..
You can use the Big Dipper to find Polaris, which is also known as the North Star. Notice that a line from the two outermost stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper points to Polaris. And notice that Polaris marks the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper. The northern sky is a large clock, with Polaris at its center.
D. Tick (✓) the most appropriate answer :1. An electric bell is suspended in a bell jar andthen air is removed from it. On switching onthe electric bell, the sound heard is:(a) very loud(b) normal sound(c) weak sound (d) no sound is heard2. The convenient instrument used in laboratoryto produce pure sound is :(a) whistle(c) tuning fork(b) drum(d) guitar3. The crack of a thunder cloud is heard laterthan the flash of lightning because, the lighttravels :(a) much slower than sound(b) much faster than sound(c) at the same speed as sound(d) none of these4. The approximate speed of sound in air atroom temperature is :(a) 33.2 ms-1(b) 3320 ms-1(c) 3.32 ms-1(d) 332 ms-15. An observer puts ear on a railway line500 m from a friend with a hammer. Whenhis friend hits the railway line with thehammer, the observer hears two sounds.The sound is first heard through :(a) railway line(b) air(c) at the same time through railway lineand air(d) no sound is heard