The Septal Nephridia of earthworm are 'responsible for excretion'. The septal nephridia are the largest nephridia present in an earthworm and are present on both sides of each intersegmental septum after the 15th segment. There are 40-50 septal nephridia present in each septum and they are arranged in two rows.
Pharyngeal nephridia
The pharyngeal nephridia form a cylindrical bunch around the oesophagus in the sixth segment and open into the pharynx in front by a large number of ducts. The integumentary nephridia are extremely minute and open singly on the body-wall.
Integumentary nephridia
Integumentary nephridia occur at all segments except first two segments and vary from 200 to 250 per segment. Clittellar segments have 2000 to 2500 each. They are attached to the body wall and are closed internally without nephrostome. They remove metabolic wastes from the blood only and are the smallest in size.
Exonephric nephridia or ectonephric nephridia are the types of nephridia that directly remove the nitrogenous wastes outside the body of earthworm by nephridiopores( external opening of nephridia) . Enteronephric nephridia eject their wastes into the alimentary canal.