The media plays a very constructive role in today’s society.
Media play an important role in increasing of public awareness and collect the views, information and attitudes toward certain issue. Media is the most powerful tool of communication in emerging world and increased the awareness and presents the realstage of society. In this decade of Knowledge and awareness there is a huge and grand role of media, it isall around us when we watch on Television, listen to on the radio, read to the books, magazines, and newspapers, every where we want to collect some knowledge and information and a part of this media hasto present a very responsible role for our society. Without the media, people in societies would beisolated, not only from the rest of the world, but also for the total formation of creditable world.
Media is one of the most powerful instruments of communication. It can help to promote the right thingson right time and gives a real as well as strong aspects of the world about what is right or wrong also italso express that how can we store and distributes the views. The world is moving towards progress inevery step of life. But we cannot refuse the real fact that we all are bounded directly or indirectly with theloads of social problems and issues, which are affected by the people of the people and for the people.Social issues or matters include so many types such as poverty, violence, corruption, bribery, suppressionof human rights, rape, discrimination, and crime, killing in the name of honor. Today News Channels, Newspapers, radio, internet etc. help us to estimate the realities of live and focused on the every socialmatters with the pure and free effect, it has a chance to explore the issues of society more openly.Media refers so many links such as mass media broadcast media, print media and the web media. Weknow that television and radio are considered broadcast media while newspapers, magazines and journalsare formatted as print media and internet news are called as the web media. The media is an importantsource of information through its news segments, entertainment and allows for exchange of our ideas,suggestions and views for related matters. There is huge variety of media. The media is not only animportant source of news and opinions but also entertainment. Most young people usually turn on thetelevision for movies, educational programs other entertainment programs. However, although most of usget our news through the media as many of us have little time to read books or journals, the news
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