tough guyigbiCreated:
1 year agoAnswer:
Every state or region has potential for increasing the income and employment for people in that area:
Most of the people in India is employed in the primary sector from where one fourth of GDP is earned whereas the rest three fourth of the GDP comes from the secondary and tertiary sector.
More people are employed in agricultural sector because they are illiterate and chances of getting jobs for them is very difficult.
Moreover the people who are employed in secondary and tertiary sector are rich and powerful compared to those of primary sector.
If the state promotes free health and education the population can easily develop.
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1Every state or region has potential for increasing the income and employment for people in that area:
Most of the people in India is employed in the primary sector from where one fourth of GDP is earned whereas the rest three fourth of the GDP comes from the secondary and tertiary sector.
More people are employed in agricultural sector because they are illiterate and chances of getting jobs for them is very difficult.
Moreover the people who are employed in secondary and tertiary sector are rich and powerful compared to those of primary sector.
If the state promotes free health and education the population can easily develop.
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