average of 35,42,31,53,16,34,27​

Answers 2


The answer is 34

Step-by-step explanation:

Average of 35, 42, 31, 53, 16, 34, 27

= (35 + 42 + 31 + 53 + 16 + 34 + 27)/7

= 238/7 = 34

To find: average of given numbers

Given data : [tex]35 , 42, 31, 53, 16,34, 27[/tex]

Solution :

  • Average is the arithmetic mean.
  • It is the ratio of sum of all the numbers given in data to the total number of observations.
  • Formula:  [tex]Average =\frac{\text { sum of all the observations }}{\text { total \ number \ of observations }}[/tex]
  • Here, sum of observations [tex]= 238[/tex]
  • Total number of observations [tex]= 7[/tex]
  • Substituting values in above formula,  



Hence , average of given data is [tex]34[/tex] .

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