A cuboidal metal block of dimensions 20cm * 20cm * 12 cm weighs 6 kg . Find the weight of a block of the same metal of size 10cm * 8cm * 8cm ​

Answers 2


A cuboid metal block of dimensions 20 cm x 16 cm x 12 cm weighs 6 kg find the weight of a block of the same metal of size 10 cm x 8 cm x 8 cm answer is 1 kg.

Step-by-step explanation:


If a cuboidal metal block of dimensions 20cm * 20cm * 12 cm weighs 6 kg .  

Then the weight of a block of the same metal of size 10cm * 8cm * 8cm ​ is 1.25 kg.

Step-by-step explanation:


The dimension of the first cuboidal metal block = 20  × 20  × 12

The dimension of the first cuboidal metal block = 10  × 8  × 8

Find:  the weight of a second block

Volume of first cuboid metal block = lbh = 20  × 20  × 12 =4800 cubic cm

Weight of this = 6 kg

Volume of second cuboid metal block = lbh = 10  × 8  × 8 =640 cubic cm

Find the weight of the second cuboid metal block

Used unitary method

1440 cubic cm   6kg

640 cubic cm    ?

The weight of second cuboid metal block =  4800÷ (6 × 640)= 4800 ÷ 3840 = 1.25 kg.

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