Nilabh has to cut circles of diameter 5/4 cm from an aluminium strip of dimension 35/4 cm by 5/4 cm. How many full circles will nilabh cut ? Also find the wastage of the aluminium strip​

Answers 1



Diameter of circle = 5/4cm

Dimensions of aluminium strip = 35/4 by 5/4


[tex]Nilabh \: will \: able \: to \: cut \: \frac{ \frac{35}{4} }{ \frac{5}{4} } = 7 \: circles[/tex]


Nilabh will able to cut 7 circles from the strip, so we will subtract; Area of 7 circles from the total area of aluminium strip to obtain the remaining aluminium.

So, Total aluminium wasted = Area of aluminium strip - Area of 7 circles.

[tex] \frac{35}{4} \times \frac{5}{4} - 7 \times \pi \times ( \frac{5}{8} )^{2} [/tex]

[tex]»» \: 10.9 - 8.59[/tex]

[tex]»» \: 2.35cm[/tex]

Hence,Nilabh will cut 7 full circles and 2.35 cm is the wastage of aluminium strip.

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