3.Anuj gets pocket money from his father everyday. Out of the pocket money, he saves Rs 2.75 on first day, Rs 3 on second day, Rs 3.25 on third day and so on. On the basis of above information, answer the following questions. (i) What is the amount saved by Anuj on 14th day? (a) Rs 6.25 (b) Rs 6 (c) Rs 6.50 (d) Rs 6.75 (ii) What is the total amount saved by Anuj in 8 days? (a) Rs 18 (b) Rs 33 (c) Rs 24 (d) Rs 29 (iii) What is the amount saved by Anuj on 30th day? (a) Rs 10 (b) Rs 12.75 (c) Rs 10.25 (d) Rs 9.75 (iv) What is the total amount saved by him in the month of June, if he starts savings from 1st June? (a) Rs 191 (b) Rs 191.25 (c) Rs 192 (d) Rs 192.5 (v) On which day, he save tens times as much as he saved on day-I? (a) 9th (b) 99th (c) 10th (d) 100th
In a certain examination, 200 students appeared in a subject of mathematics. Average marks obtained were 50% with standard deviation 5%. How many students do you expect to obtain more than 60% of marks, supposing that marks are distributed normally? [ Given For z=2: A = 0.4
She maintains double entry book – keeping. She purchases and sells goods both on cash and credit bases. If the purchased goods are not in good condition, she sends them back to her supplier. At the same time, she also accepts if her customers return the goods sold to them, when the goods are not in good condition.