Partnership Ram and shyam entered into a partnership investing Rs16000 and Rs 12000 respectively. After 3 months, Ram withdrew Rs. 5000 while shyam invested addi tional Rs 5000. After another 3 months Ghanshyam joined the business with a capital of Rs21000. The share of Shyam exceeds that of Ghanshyam, out of a total profit of Rs 26400 after one year, by how much amount in Rs.)? 1) 3600 2) 3200 3) 4800 4) 3000 5) 4200 ​

  • matematika


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    1 year ago

Answers 1

Correct Answer:

B) Rs.3600

Description for Correct answer:

ratio of profits at the end of period

= [(3×16000)+(9×11000)]:[(3×12000)+(9×17000)]:[(6×21000)]

= (48000+99000):(36000+153000):(126000)

= 147000:189000:126000

= 49:63:42=7:9:6

Therefore, Amount = 26400×(9−67+9+6)

= 26400×322=1200×3=Rs.3600

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