Hope this helps you.
Ans 1:Ranji went to the pool because he could not refuse the challenge.Though he felt week and lazy and not at all eager for a fight he didn't give up.He went because If he would surrender now then he would be beaten for all time; but to fight and be beaten today left him free to fight and be beaten again
Ans 2:He was partly hopping that the warrior would have forgotten the challenge but these were hopes were dashed when he saw his opponent sitting, stripped to the waist, on a rock on the other side of the pool.But as he saw this scene,he understood that the opponent will not forget the challenge.
Ans 3: .His adversary was on the other side of the pool sitting stripped to the waist,on a rock by rubbing oil to his body.
Ans 4:Of course Ranji.As he slipped out of his vest and he dived straight into the water, cutting through it like a knife, and surfaced with hardly a splash due to which even his adversary mouth hung open in amazement.
Ans 5:submit.