Raghav, a 25-year-old boy, was an employee of a reputed bank. He was searching for his red suit as he had planned to wear that suit to his friend, Rohini's wedding. He was already late to board the train. He hurried himself up and left the house in a rush.
The city of Lucknow was stuck in traffic and Raghav was sitting in a taxi with an open laptop. He was continuously checking the time and with every passing minute, he felt tense.
When he reached the railway station, it was already very late. But he thanked God that he got up on the train just at the right moment. It was only when he realized it was the wrong train that he had boarded. It had already crossed two stations. He got up to the next station and inquired if there was a train to Mumbai but was disappointed knowing there was no direct train or any mode of transportation to Mumbai.
He waited for two hours to avail the train to his home station. He was sure that he would miss the wedding. But Raghav was stunned as he reached home. He saw his mother lying unconscious. He called the required medical help and soon his mother was fine.
He realized that day. Whatever happens, happens for a reason. He was glad to be beside his mother.