Settlements typically develop around a valuable resource and have a history of coexisting residents who chose to live there. Construction of dwellings for habitation takes place in settlements. Settlements can be divided into two categories: Urban communities and Rural settlements.
Settlement, or the geographic area where people live and work, refers to the manner that people arrange themselves and their living areas in a place. Settlements are those locations where people construct their own residences. Those areas are suitable for human habitation, either permanently or temporarily.
There are two types of settlements.
1. Rural Settlements.
- Rural settlements are those that are located within a village. These communities are typically found away from cities, on the fringes.
- People construct homes with slanting roofs, for instance, in Kerala, where it rains a lot. Houses are built on stilts, or an elevated platform, in areas where water tends to collect.
- The fundamental economic activities that take place on land provide the rural settlements with their basic necessities or means of subsistence.
2. Urban Settlements.
- Urban settlements are places where people live in cities. They contain characteristics of a built environment.
- Due to a paucity of available land, these towns typically consist of a large number of closely spaced high rise buildings.
- Urban areas rely on the production of completed items and the processing of raw resources, on the one hand, and a variety of services, on the other.
- On the other hand, social relationships are formal and the pace of life is complex and quick in urban areas.
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