The main reasons of poverty are stated below:
Increase rate of rising population: ...
Less productivity in agriculture: ...
Less utilization of resources: ...
A short rate of economic development: ...
Increasing price rise: ...
Unemployment: ...
Shortage of capital and able entrepreneurship: ...
Social factors:
1. Increase rate of rising population:
In the last 45 years, the population has increased at the whopping rate of 2.2% per annum. An average of approx. 17 million people are added every year to the population which raises the demand for consumption goods considerably.
2. Less productivity in agriculture:
In agriculture, the productivity level is very low due to subdivided and fragmented holdings, lack of capital, use of traditional methods of cultivation, illiteracy etc. The very reason for poverty in the country is this factor only.
3. Less utilization of resources:
Underemployment and veiled unemployment of human resources and less utilization of resources