Dividend- 0.126
divisor- 0.9
To find,
Quotient or by dividing the Dividend with the divisor
- Decimal division works similarly to regular division, with the exception that the decimal point needs to be correctly positioned in the quotient.
- A decimal number comprises two parts: a whole number portion and a fractional portion split by the decimal point, which is a dot.
- The decimal point is followed by digits with values less than 1.
- We must first change the divisor into a whole number before continuing the division when dividing decimals by other decimals.
- 0.9 is the divisor, and the dividend is 0.126. The decimal point must move to the right in order for the divisor to become a whole number, so we will multiply it by 10 to achieve this.
Therefore, 0.9 x 10 = 9.
- The dividend must be handled in the same manner as we handled the divisor. Therefore, we will also multiply the payout by 10. As a result, it will be 1.26 divided by 0.126. In other words, until the divisor is a whole number, we must move both decimal points to the right.
so, 0.126 x 10 = 1.26
- The dividend is now 1.26, and the divisor is now 9. This can be divided using the standard division method, yielding a quotient of 0.14.
Quotient- 1.26 ÷ 9 = 0.14
Here, 0.14 will be the quotient.