3. Answer in one word -(i) Cyclonic storms caused by low pressure in the Bay of Bengal (ii) The premonsoon showers in April-May.(iii) The animals of a particular region.(iv) Calamity of Baisakh month(v) Forests with breathing roots in Sundarban Delta.​

Answers 2

  • depressions and disturbances
  • mango showers
  • fauna
  • The word Kal-baishakhi is local name for these storms. It means Kal = calamity, Baisakhi = month of Baisakh (calamity of the month of Baisakh).
  • we spotted mudakippers and red crabs on the muddy banks dotted with thorn like brathing roots of mangrove trees .according to the local peoples it was the presence of the sundari trees that gave the forests its name sunderban or the forests of sundari .(simple answer in one word is mangrove trees )

explanation:i) tropical cyclone ii) Mango showersiii) Faunaiv) Kal-baishakhiv) Tidal forestsPlease mark me as brainlist

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