16 Questions in 16 Minutes Computer Programming 12 Questions in 15 Minutes Automata Fix A simulated compiler integrated test to measure debugging skills in C, C++ and Java. The tes ability to fix logical or syntactical errors and to reuse an existing code. 7 Questions in 20 Minutes Personality 72 Questions in 15 Minutes​

Answers 1


What is Cognizant Automata Fix Section?

Automata fix is the new section being added by Cognizant in its recruitment drive pattern.

In this section, there will be 7 code snippets, in which there may be some error, or you may have to code a specific part of the code.

You can code in any of your desired language like C, C++ or Java. There is no restriction in coding language which you want to choose.

There is even a possibility that you can code first question in some specific language, and then you are coding the next question in some other specific language.

This test is basically for judging your interpreting level of code. This section tests, that how good you are in fixing a code written by someone else, or if you can add a small function of your own, in someone’s other code.

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