Offline exams are far better than online. By offline I mean that you have to go to the center to write the exam. One major reason behind this is it reduces chances of cheating by a great amount. We also get the feel of an exam which I feel lacks in an online exam.
Recently in my coaching the year end test was conducted both offline and online. Option was given to choose between the two. When results came there was a huge difference between average of online and offline scores. Hence it really proves that many cheat in it.
People don’t understand that cheating might give them temporary happiness but it will be a great loss in long run.
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Which is better, an online exam or an offline exam? Why?
As per current scenario, Online exam is better than offline exam. There are many reasons on support for this answer:
1. Online Exams can be conducted from anywhere and anytime without any issue.
2. Online Exams uses technology for conducting exams. Various types of Software like Remote Proctoring Software can easily remotely proctor the exams from remote location, making the exam cheating-proof and authentic.
3. Online Exams can be given by the students from their home location also, which helps the candidates in saving time, money and effort for reaching the exam-centre. Ultimately, students can more concentrate on their exams.
4. Online Exams are also feasible in terms of setup.
5. In Online exam, there is negligible chance of cheating
6. Online exam can easily be proctored through live CCTV cameras and webcam monitoring or remote proctoring software.
7. It takes less time to check answer sheet and prepare result in the case of online examination, in comparison to offline exams.
8. Online Exams are cost effective and it costs very less in comparison to offline exams. Moreover, Operational costs, administrative costs and logistic costs in very minimal in online exams if we compare the same with offline exams
9. Also, there is no chance of question paper leak in the case of online examination as it opens when candidates start the exam.
10. Question as well as candidates answers can easily be saves and stored for a long time in online exam
11. Last but not the least, Online Exam saves paper, time, money and it's more secure. Saving Paper = Preserving Nature for the Future.
So, If you have already made a plan to conduct online exam, you can conduct the same with various types of Exam Software. Think Exam is one of the leading Online Exam Software for conducting proctored exam.
bunny rabbithkco
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