To maintain and monitor overall Discipline in School. Formation of Anti-Ragging Squads with consultation of the Principal. To conduct the Regular meetings of the said Committee. Incharge is solely responsible for the implementation of the activity/ programme in a befitting manner.
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Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. Discipline is important in all stages of life and if implemented properly could be the formula for success. It is important that students should learn discipline as early as possible in their lives.
Below two discipline speeches in English are given - a long speech on the discipline and a short speech on discipline. These speeches on discipline will help the students to understand the importance of discipline in life.
Long Discipline Speech in English
Good morning everyone! I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone present over here and I want to thank all of you for giving me this opportunity to speak a few words about discipline in a student’s life.
Discipline is defined as the practice of training oneself to obey rules or to be systematic in life. It’s a word which we often hear every once in a while and many times we fail to understand its importance. Discipline is a practice of self-control that is reflected in a person’s actions. These controls cannot be forced on an individual but they should be cultivated from within. Hence discipline is considered to be spontaneous and not mere submissive to authorities in an obedient manner.
As early as possible children should incorporate discipline in their lives and parents should teach them self-discipline and self-control. Discipline will help them to resist temptations, delay gratification, and help them to tolerate the discomfort needed to achieve goals in their lives.
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