The story begins with a brief description of the crocodile. The author has used a lot of visual imagery like it has a huge tail, his mouth ran almost the whole length of his head, was closed and fixed in that evil bony smile, it has a blackish brow upper side, and its underside was whitish yellow, with a tinge of green. Nothing could pierce the inch-thick armoured hide, not even rifle bullets, which would bounce off. Only the eyes and soft underarms offered a place. All these imageries not only excite the reader, but also generates suspense as to what's coming next. The readers become aware of the fact that the crocodile forms an important component in the development of the plot.
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The crocodile immediately released its grip on the lady who was saved by Sibia. The crocodile is important in the building of the plot because Sibia later finds a blue bead that she always wanted. The story thus entails that good deeds come back to us manifoldAuthor:
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