1. Plot is the series of events occurring in a play.
2. The protagonist is the main character in a play.
3. The soliloguy is to speak to oneself.
4. In, monologue character's thought process is expressed aloud.
5. Conflict is the essence of drama.
6. Theme is the main idea or point of a play stated as a generalization.
7. Drama has its origin in folk theatre.
8. Romans established amphitheaters in England.
9. Miracle plays were about the miracles made by saints.
10. Morality plays aimed at teaching moral values.
11. Thomas Kyd introduced blank verse as useful theatrical medium.
12. In 17 ^ m century, open air theatre gained importance.
13. Shakespeare manipulated Elizabethan stage.
14. Puritans closed the theatres in 1642.
15. Comedy of Manners became famous in Restoration period.
16. Ibsen & G.B. Shaw were the prominent dramatist of Modern theatre.
17. T.S. Eliot experimented Greek mythology with tragedy in early 20th century.
18. A Treatise on Theatre (Natyashastra) is the most complete work of Bharatmuni dramatology in ancient world.
19. Didactic plays, Miracle plays and Morality plays were performed during medieval period.
20. Kitchen Sink Drama is the characteristic of post-modern Era.
21. A one- act play is a complete story that has to be performed on the stage in stipulated time.
22. Climax is called as turning point of a one-act play.
23. One-act play has limited characters.