Error Correction Have you ever learn from a mistake you have made?
E.g. learn
learnt Many #shouldn’t# admit doing so. For those who do,. a) @wouldn't@
there was no need for guilt. We often #make# mistakes b) @made@
while taking #risks#, but all brush them aside and learn. c) @risk @
With that, they usually don’t make mistakes the next time.
Replace words between # with words between @
Hope this will help you
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2Rectification of errors refers to finding out the errors in a sentence.
Have you ever learnt from a mistake you have made?
Many won’t admit doing so. For those who do, a) shouldn’t - won’t
there is no need for guilt. We often make mistakes b) was - is
while taking risks, but some brush them aside and learn. c) all - some
With that, they usually don’t make mistakes the next time.
big guy4vp6
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