It is extremely important to have a strong Fire safety management system in a workplace as it is a hazard that could be fatal both to people and assets. Fire safety can be overlooked from time to time but having a strong safety system in place can prevent/minimise the hazard to a small risk with simple effective strategy. We need to make sure Baxter has a strong fire safety management systems in place to make sure no injuries/deaths take place and to meet the required legislation set out by the HSA.
As a safety officer, I find prevention should be focused on a lot more rather than reaction methods. The best way to make sure a fire never starts is to never have all 3 elements of the fire triangle…show more content…
Training days should be carried out annually to ensure staff are up to date with fire safety. They should be trained on fire prevention methods and also first aid training if possible. They should also be given written instructions on the emergency procedures and some instruction on how to use the fire safety equipment throughout the workplace.
With all our fire safety measures in place sometimes a fire can take place. It is important we have damage control measures in place before, after and during a fire.
The consequences of possible incidents should be identified and make up a plan to respond to these incidents. A response team should be made for those who are going to work on damage limitation. A list of outside agencies needed should also be compiled and maintained. The building itself should examined and altered in the best was to reduce the risk of fire e.g. remove vulnerable stock.Work on preventing any more harm from the fire should start as soon as possible. When the fire service arrive this should only be done if its got the clear from the officer in charge. Stock in danger should be moved and drains should be unblocked.
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Essay on fire safety in building
Every fire & safety engineer must have a thorough understanding of building construction as well as structural fire protection concepts. This information, combined with his firefighting experience, will enable him to assess how a building will react in the event of a fire. The building's architecture and the degree of fire protection built into the structure have a significant impact on all elements of fire service activities, including firefighting, determining means of escape needs, and making recommendations on fire safety in structures.
Early in the design phase, cognitive analysis and decision-making are essential for effective fire safety design. A building's architectural design has a considerable impact on its fire protection capabilities. A building's architectural design has a big impact on its fire safety capabilities and performance. Interior layout, circulation patterns, interior finish materials, and building services are all key components in the parameter of fire safety in buildings, in addition to the construction and shell of the building itself.The belief that the building itself must be constructed to be either self-protecting or self-controlling from fire and fire spread is today's primary concept for creating fire safety in structures. This is especially true as structures become more complicated and exhibit characteristics that are incompatible with fire department operations.
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