Water is a colorless, tasteless and odorless substance essential for the survival of living beings. Water is the essential element for all human beings, animals and plants. Water comprises of more than 71% of the earth's surface. Water is derived from various sources like rivers, lakes, oceans, and streams.
Water is the most important liquid for all living forms. It is not only necessary for our life processes but is also required for the functioning of our planet. Water is available in 3 states on the Earth- solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid-state includes glaciers, snow caps, ice sheets, and polar ice reserves. It is safe to say that water is the reason behind earth being the only planet to support life. This universal solvent is one of the major resources we have on this planet. It is impossible for life to function without water.
(1) Water is essential for our life, and there is no life without water on earth.
(2) We get water from many sources like rivers, groundwater (wells), rain, etc.
(3) We use water for drinking, cooking food, cleaning, and many other purposes.
(4) Water is useful to grow plants and for agricultural life to get food.
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Water is the most important liquid for all living forms. It is not only necessary for our life processes but is also required for the functioning of our planet. Water is available in 3 states on the Earth- solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid-state includes glaciers, snow caps, ice sheets, and polar ice reserves. The liquid state includes rivers, seas, lakes, ponds, streams, oceans, and geysers. The gaseous state includes water vapour found in the atmosphere. No matter which state it is in, the composition of Water remains the same throughout. It is a powerful compound that nurtures all the life present on Earth. Plants require water for photosynthesis and res piration. Humans require water for many different life processes like circulation, digestion, respiration, and exc retion, without Water, life would be impossible on Earth. As it is such an important compound, we must make sure that we conserve it so that it won’t get exhausted soon.
hope it will help u :)
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