A snail is an animal that has feet but no legs. The answer to the abovementioned riddle, "I have feet, but no legs. Which animal am I?" is a snail.
A riddle is defined as a statement that is intentionally phrased to sound difficult but it is not difficult. It is fun and games as a riddle is difficult to guess but the answers are always simple and to the point. We as a human tend to think that the answer to a riddle will be extravagant or something difficult but in reality it is simple.
Similarly, in the abovementioned riddle, we tend to think of a difficult animal or a rare species but the answer is "snail". A snail has a foot that is a muscle that helps it to move in the direction they want to.
Hence, we can safely conclude that the answer to the abovementioned riddle, "I have feet, but no legs. Which animal am I?" is a snail.
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To know more about snails, click on the link below: