1. What do you mean by employment? Discuss the two main forms of employment​

Answers 2


Hired Worker: These are workers who are employed by others (employers) and receive a salary/wage as compensation for work. ...

Casual Worker: These are workers who are engaged by employers on a temporary basis for some specific work. They are not permanent and do not receive any social security or other work benefits.

Generally employment means to work or hire somewhere. But see the explanation of employment and it's types given below.


Employment is the relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract where work is paid for, where one party, which may be a corporation, for profit, not-for-profit organization, co-operative or other entity is the employer and the other is the employee.

Employment has various types which are given below:

Hired Worker: These are workers who are employed by others (employers) and receive a salary/wage as compensation for work. Hired workers may again be of two types:

Casual Worker: These are workers who are engaged by employers on a temporary basis for some specific work. They are not permanent and do not receive any social security or other work benefits. Example: Construction workers are contracted only for specific projects and not hired permanently. Seasonal workers such as those engaged on the farm only during the harvest season are also classified as casual workers.

Regular Salaried Worker: These are workers hired by employers on a permanent basis and are paid regular salaries/wages for their work. Example: Chartered accountants, teachers, sports trainers at a sports club.

Self-Employed: The other set of workers are those who are not employed by some employer but who own and work for their own enterprise. Example: Proprietors, business persons.

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