Your online presence makes an impression ⏤ make sure your words are as professional as you.

Answers 2


  • Establishing an online presence for our small business is just as critical as registering our business. we need to control every digital asset that could be linked to our business to maintain a good reputation.
  • Owning our online reputation plays a big part in a positive brand impression.
  • If we are running a small business, we need to have a professional suite of marketing assets, which range from business cards to a website to a branded business email address ([email protected]). A business email address enhances our online presence and helps round out our online portfolio
A decade ago, networking was all about first impressions. Everyone took extreme care with their appearances, the way they introduced themselves, and the people they connected with. It was strategic. But when the pandemic happened, all of this shifted online. Now, many of us work and socialize remotely more often than in person. 

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Now, your digital impression is your first impression.

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