A high-quality egg has only a small air cell. The yolk is well-centered in the albumen and is surrounded by the vitelline membrane, which is colorless. ... On opposite sides of the yolk are two, twisted, whitish cord-like objects known as chalazae. Their function is to support the yolk in the center of the albumen.
Question : The girl of the silent torrent gave a Pitcher to the painter.Answer : A picture was given to the painter by the girl of the silent torrent.
सूचना का अर्थ है लोगो को जानकारी पहुँचाना तथा लिखित रूप से सूचना देने को सूचना-लेखन कहा जाता है। 2. सूचना लेखन सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक दोनों होता है | सूचना लेखन का उद्देश सार्वजनिक रूप कोई सूचना या जानकारी देना