Business StudiesAuthor:
1 year agoAnswer:
Owner’s FundsThe Owner’s Funds are the total amount invested by the owner of an enterprise and the accumulated profits that they have reinvested in the business. This money remains invested in the business till the company winds up its operations. It is the primary source of funds, without which it is difficult for any organisation to survive in the market. The owner may be an individual, a group of partners or shareholders in the business. The capital invested by the owner/s allows them control over their business. Some entrepreneurs may prefer to keep the control of the company to themselves, while others may opt for sharing the control and risk of a business by bringing in other investors.
Borrowed FundsThe Borrowed Funds are the funds that a business raises through loans or borrowings from other parties. They are the most common sources of capital for any enterprise. Some of the methods of raising Borrowed Funds are as follows:
The creditors provide these funds only for a specified period of time, and they have to return after the expiry of that period. A business can avail these funds only under certain terms and conditions, which they need to fulfil at all costs. The borrowers must also pay a fixed amount of interest on these funds to the lenders, irrespective of whether the firm is making a profit or not. The creditors give these funds on the security of assets of the firm in most cases.
Advantages of self-financing your business:
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